October 6, 2015
I grew up a Baptist, that is, a sectarian in the tradition of those who vectored from Martin Luther 500 years ago–the same ones who value the Jews so highly because they mistakenly believe you are God’s chosen people. Before I understood the truth about the Jewish nation, I used to get so excited just to talk to a Jewish person—so special I thought you all were. Of course, thanks to Luther, I realize you have NOT been God’s chosen people for over 2,000 years now. The curse that Isaiah and all the other prophets predicted would come upon you has come upon you because you rejected your Messiah. Paul states that you were CUT OUT of Salvation’s Tree and we Gentiles were grafted in. This was a punishment and a godly scheme to make you jealous and force you back to Christ. It hasn’t worked for 2,000 years now, so much has stubbornness and foolhardiness controlled you.
I am truly sorry a devilish wickedness has come over you these last 2,000 years; and I am just as sorry the Gentile Church has allowed this same devilishness to blind their eyes to the means of true faith. God generously restored the truth of the Word through Martin Luther 500 years ago, and the Church has gradually, more and more, ignored and resisted his ministry of the Restored Word—so Jewish-like has It become. The Gentile Church is now irredeemable; the times of the Gentiles is now over. Only my family remains. We remain as a bridge between the Gentiles and the Jews who will be converted shortly. I am not saying we are the ONLY ones with true faith on the earth, just that we are the ONLY family who believes, understands and submits to the truth of the Word.
The Protestant church may foolishly believe you are God’s Chosen People; and it is ironic that God will use their stupidity in giving you money and political support to bring about your restoration, while they will be the ones destroyed in the coming fiery judgment! Even the Lutheran Church has denied what Luther taught, if not in word, then in deed. Their behavior proves they have elevated licentiousness above a genuine love of true and resounding faith—a faith which depends not on works, willpower or heritage, but simply in a firm faith in the words, “THIS IS MY BODY, GIVEN FOR YOU FOR THE REMISSION OF YOUR SINS.”
Your nation will be converted when, AND ONLY WHEN, you learn from the prophet Luther. NO OTHER WAY OUT FOR YOU. No matter how much you hate this man, you will have to eat crow and turn to his teachings as a way of coming to a proper understanding of the Scriptures. NO OTHER WAY. Eat crow or perish! True, you know FAR more about the Scriptures than I—but you don’t have the Secret Code. When you learn the Secret Code, a whole “new” world will be opened up to you, just as it was to the Apostle Paul and Martin Luther. Both of these individuals (the two mightiest men of God in the last 2,000 years) had so much amazing information except they didn’t know how it all fit together until they were breathed upon by the Holy Spirit. This Spirit, which hovered over the Creation Waters, will hover over you so you will be created in true holiness and godliness.
God will raise up leadership from among you from within your ranks—probably one of you will stand head-and-shoulders above the rest. This is just how God works. You will have a plethora of faithful Rabbis who will support one another as regards the true Christ you have spurned and spat upon these last 2,000 years. May God forgive you! Of course, Satan will raise up leadership of his own from among these same ranks, just as happened to Paul in Galatia and Luther in Germany. Watch out for the Germans, the residual of the Roman Empire from which Antichrist is to come. Beware!
I love you for returning to Christ.
Study Luther and GODSPEED! Bring Christ to your people and Hell to this world!!
My wife read this over and thought it sounded harsh. It is not my intention to be harsh, only to drive home the point that you must take your rejection of Christ these last 2,000 years most seriously, and understand your penance/harsh medicine is to submit to Luther. I understand how difficult this might be for proud spirits before they have been humbled by the LORD. I went through this humiliation for about five years when I began this Luther-journey about twenty years ago. DAILY, yea!, MANY TIMES A DAY, I was humiliated at what I thought I knew being torn down limb-by-limb until I became comfortable with just sitting at his feet and learning. After my five-year reconstruction of all I had learned in the Protestant church for25 years and at Bob Jones University for almost seven years, my humiliation has continued in the sense that I have had no hope of remembering a small percentage of what this man taught. Nonetheless I have faithfully read, devoured to the best of my ability, and taught my family these 20 years. Other than glorifying God and His Son Jesus Christ with our simple confession of faith, I have seen what True Religion and True Faith has done in the life of my family. We have proclaimed THIS IS MY BODY, THIS IS MY BLOOD GIVEN TO YOU FOR THE REMISSION OF YOUR SINS faithfully for twenty years with the result that “whatever we have done has prospered.” True Faith has made us as trees planted by rivers of water who bring forth fruit—rich, luscious fruit! The fruit? Obedient children and grandchildren who are content to honor their father and their mother and be content to manage and provide for their families. Is there a greater work? Maybe if you add being a good citizen, praying for and respecting governmental authority, and not being American-GREEDY in business.
As you know, God reveals things to come to his prophets. The problem I have in presenting myself as a prophet to proclaim a message to you is that I have no special stamp/endorsement from God, at least, not in the sense of Elijah-like miracles, angels singing at my baptism, extreme intelligence to devour Arian-like heretics, or the obvious shaking of the earth through Martin Luther. So why should you consider me to have anything to say to you? MY FAMILY. Eyes of faith can clearly see there is something very special about a family in this day and age who stands united against the spiritual filth of today and the political correctness of our day. And we stand firm in this faith and reasonable life in patience. Are we distressed as we watch the religious crowd ascribe God’s name to whatever they want to believe. Of course! Are we sick at heart as we watch our nation become stupid people and act more and more like animals rather than humans? Of course. But have we joined ourselves with the extremes of today who are so angry at the just punishment of God on our wretched society? NO! We sit in sadness awaiting the judgment of God—no placards, no guns, no blasphemy.
Mine is an argument from one. Luther taught that God maintains this world for His People—even if there is ONLY ONE. And this certainly is consistent with the world’s activists who are always saying, “If it only helps one person it is worth it!” It is consonant with what I learned in Sunday School, “You plus God equals a majority.” And it certainly is confirmed by Christ Who said, “Where two or three are gathered, there am I in their midst.” By Christ’s own words you CANNOT disprove we are the only ones—His words certainly could be used to vindicate us. Right? Besides, Christ also said that when He returned there would be little or no faith on the earth. Certainly one family having true faith fits His scenario. Right? From His words you CANNOT prove faith degenerating down to one family is impossible! Right?
Martin Luther King had a dream, but I have a dream from the LORD. IF I am a prophet you just must believe what I am saying. The first year I began studying the writings of Luther, I dreamed I was on his tile roof and one tile was slightly out of place. I put it in place. After I had studied his writings for awhile I came to understand what my dream meant. I had come to understand that Luther was frustrated by what God wanted to do with YOU who were once God’s special people. In his confusion he was honest enough to say, I DON’T KNOW. This gave me permission to correct Luther in one point—THE JEW WILL BE GRAFTED BACK INTO THE CHURCH OF CHRIST. If Luther had been dogmatic about eschatology as regards you, I WOULD NOT have ventured beyond him.
To quote Isaiah, I have seen the LORD high and lifted up. I have seen that He wants to rescue you again from this present evil age, and not because there is ANY spiritual virtue in you, but because of His love for Abraham and David. Why did He love these two bulwarks of faith? They did what they were told to do and ascribed ALL THE GLORY to their LORD. When God whistles for you, you will have to emulate the faith of these two giants in that you will have to follow the LORD amidst great trials and enemies. Abraham is your prime example, this friend of God who was “a man called from the east.” He wandered about in a strange land estranged from his family and his former religion. He roamed through a dark religious wasteland practicing a religion which was quite odious to those Canaanite nations. He was hated within his very own land but God protected him all about. He was just like Jesus, who was once hated by His own people in His own world—but God protected our LORD from your ancestors!
I believe it would be wrong for God not to graft you back into the Tree of Life. To quote Abraham, “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” To my heart, it is only right and proper for God to extend this benefit to your nation. But if this is going to happen you will have to have the same experience Isaiah speaks of in chapter six: you will see Christ high and lifted up and come to the end of your own resources exclaiming, “WOE IS ME—I AM LOST.” Please allow me to now recite this great passage of Scripture:
In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the LORD sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!” And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him who called, and the house was filled with smoke. And I said: “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!” Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips, your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.” And I heard the voice of the LORD saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” And he said, “Go, and say to this people; Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive. Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and blind their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.” Then I said, “How long, O LORD?” And he said: “Until cities lie waste without inhabitant, and houses without people, and the land is a desolate waste, and the LORD removes people far away, and the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land. And though a tenth remain in it, it will be burned again, like a terebinth or an oak, whose stump remains when it is felled.” The holy seed is its stump.
Allow me to explain what this passage does mean. Of course, my remarks are based on Luther’s exposition. Your nation was felled by the Romans at a time when only a Stump remained—Christ. From, through and by this Stump God has preserved a Remnant for Himself these last 2,000 years—of which my family is it, until such time as you see Christ high and lifted up. You have been punished by the words of Isaiah for 2,000 years now!! Why? Because you rejected Christ! You have foolishly looked for 2,000 years to figure out what great sin you have committed against God, and YOUR SIN IS EVER BEFORE YOU! IF you are to become God’s Endtime Remnant, you will have to have your ears unplugged, the scales removed from your eyes, and your heart softened. God has decreed that this can ONLY happed through the writings of Luther. ONLY Luther is the Antidote for Isaiah’s curse upon you.
Luther is the coal from the altar which is to touch your lips, forgive and heal your sin and remove your 2,000-year-old GUILT. This Angel will guide you to the high and lifted up LORD—Christ, God’s Son, your Messiah, the Holy One of Israel. When you allow Luther to touch your lips your speech will become cleansed of blasphemy and you will speak right and proper things. Your speech will be clean. So long as you speak aright about Christ, use all the vulgarity you wish. There is NOTHING in this world more vulgar than bearing false witness against God. Is there? You have lied about God for 2,000 years that Jesus is not your Messiah. Hell, the Gentile church has only lied about Him for 500 years, even though it professes to believe in Him as Messiah; they just will not submit as to how He is communicated to them; but you both are bearing false witness to God. What great and mysterious patience God has!
The “vision” Luther has for you will shake the very foundations of your being; you will sit in humiliating silence before the LORD, just as Nehemiah was stymied and sat in sackcloth and ashes. When this happens, you will be readied to cover your face in humility, and cover your feet so as not to take stock or notice of your works. You will be ready to see the LORD high and lifted up. That is, ABOVE the temple, for truly God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Lastly, I sense I must remind you of the case of Job. Job was a godly man of faith who had been taught in the false church—not the true church of Abraham. In like manner, I believe I had true faith within the false church of today, but as I have said, had to be reprogrammed. This process is excruciating! It was terrifying, too, for Job. For about two chapters God mocks Job, trying to humiliate him and bring him to his senses about what to believe about the true God. Job put way too much emphasis upon his goodness and his works. He didn’t know any better until God taught him. After these two chapters of mocking, Job answers the LORD: “Behold, I am of small account; what shall I answer you? I lay my hand on my mouth. I have spoken once, and I will not answer; twice, but I will proceed no further.”
IF this was the end of the book, one would think that Job had learned his lesson. NO! Learning to see God aright, that is, high and lifted up, is nothing less than a death to the very self—worse by far than physical death. Most people would rather die than confront the truth about themselves. It seems almost cruel of God to challenge Job further! God answers Job out of the whirlwind: DRESS FOR ACTION LIKE A MAN! WILL YOU EVEN PUT ME IN THE WRONG? So the LORD continues the process of shaking a man’s soul until the man truly comes to the end of himself and commences a true and spiritual relationship with the LORD God Almighty.
Finally, Job answers the LORD after another round of body blows: I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you; therefore I DESPISE MYSELF, and repent in dust and ashes.
Godspeed for the final time.
Your friend in Christ,
Timothy Vance
The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1
yes bro,u have tried for your message,but u dont know that we ve started getting our message.its not true that God should use but martine luther.read revelation 11,the two witness are here with us moses and elijah,in mt 17 the lord took His apostles on mount and moses and elijah appeared,we the jews dont believe in your trinity doctrine and never shall we believe a thing like that.shalom we are fully on for our MESSAAH
God’s promises to Israel are unconditional and everlasting. Luther started out well, but he blew it when he turned against Israel. God’s words in Genesis 12 are as true now as they were when he communicated them to Abraham: “I will bless them the bless you and I will curse them that curse you.”
Too bad you didn’t study more and listen more intently at BJU..
I could never accept in anyway the antisemitic Luther. I am a proud Jew , atheist and fornicator